Friday 13 January 2012

A Walk In The Rain by Alison Barnard

Conductor Jessa Hanson is just about at the top of her career. Her professional life is right on track. Her personal life however, is not. Jessa has been badly hurt in the past. Her relationship with her ex girlfriend Stephanie, almost destroyed her.

Actress Shara Quinn is going to take the part of playing Jessa in the film about Jessa’s life, called Maestra. Part of her research in to her role is to live with Jessa for a couple of months and shadow her every move. There is one obstacle in the way to Shara’s success in carrying out this task though, her obsessive fiancĂ©, Derek.

When Jessa and Shara meet, there is an attraction there for both women. But Shara is straight, isn’t she? Plus Jessa is very wary of getting involved in another relationship. Jessa can’t tell her heart not to fall in love though, whatever her mind thinks. Jessa and Shara both know they won’t be able to deny their feelings much longer.

Unfortunately, Derek shows up and Shara has to meet him at the airport. What will Shara tell him?

Jessa is not pleased by what she perceives as Shara’s disloyalty. When Shara returns, she finds Jessa in a compromising situation. But is it all as it seems? It’s enough however to send Shara running out of Jessa’s life.

Months later after Maestra has been filmed, Shara hears a musical poem that can only have been written by Jessa about the love that was lost between them. Shara seeks Jessa out and they reconcile, finally consummating their love for one another.

But is Shara ready to be an ‘out of the closet’ lesbian? Will Shara be able to cope with the demands of the press? Will Jessa understand Shara’s reluctance to be out? Will their love be lost forever?

This is a lovely very well written romance. It is nicely paced, not too fast or slow and has so many ups and downs, twists and turns, it’s a rollercoaster ride of emotions. Both Jessa and Shara have to come to terms with their pasts and accept changes to allow them the possibility of a future together.

We follow both women on the paths they take and hope they will both end up in the same place at their journey’s end, together where they belong.

The rest of the characters were essential in moving the story along. Even the obnoxious Derek played his part to perfection.

This is the first book I’ve read by Alison Barnard, I’m hoping there will be more. I was so sorry when I reached the end of this excellent book. I wanted to hear so much more about Jessa and Shara. A book I will definitely be re-reading.

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