Wednesday 6 March 2013

Someone Like You by Syd Parker

Aspen Lane and Alexis Tataris, (Lex) were a match made in heaven. College sweethearts, they both expected to be together forever. Their marriage sealed their true love.

That is, until tragedy struck. A terrible mind numbing event that Lex couldn’t cope with and sent her running. Running away from Aspen, the woman she had promised to love forever.

Aspen is a broken woman. Left to cope alone with her memories and the tragedy that parted them, she lives each day in mental torture. A mere shell of her former self.

Now five years later, Aspen has to face Lex again. Lex wants a divorce, she wants to re-marry. The problem is, to get the divorce, Aspen and Lex must both reside in the state they were married in. It makes sense to share a place. Doesn’t it?

Will Lex’s reappearance break Aspen’s heart all over again, shattering it beyond repair? How will Lex feel about seeing the woman she loved more than life itself again? The woman she’d abandoned at her lowest ebb and in her hour of dire need?

Will either woman ever be able to settle for the ‘someone like you’, or will the logical Aspen and Lex not let them?

This is another winner from Syd Parker. A nicely written romance with a twist. Lots of ups and downs throughout the book. A page turner right from the start to the very end.

I loved Aspen’s character, I connected with her right from the start. Although I ended up liking Lex, I felt like knocking some sense in to her for her lack of compassion and feeling towards Aspen. Aspen and Lex so clearly belong together. It was stomach churning to see what she had blindly thrown away.

Both Aspen and Lex are multidimensional characters and they are backed up by a strong cast of characters that enhance and progress the story on to it’s conclusion. I loved the vivid scenic descriptions throughout the book. It was easy to lose myself in amongst the characters rather than just simply reading about them.

It is nice to read a book where we get the background on the characters, rather than just going right ahead with the story in the present day. From my point of view, this is essentially a part of the bigger picture and makes it easier to get to know what makes the characters tick.

I know when I pick up a Syd Parker book, I’m in for a jolly good read. I never know what to expect next as her writing is so diverse. This is what makes her books a pleasure to read. No two books are ever the same. As an added bonus here too, Syd has included some of Lex and Aspen’s favorite recipes for us all to enjoy. I hope Syd is fast at work on her next book.

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