Thursday 12 April 2012

Molly: House On Fire by RE Bradshaw

Top notch, hot shot, lawyer, Molly Kincaid, is enjoying her comfortable privileged life until she receives a string of calls and emails. All stemming from her childhood home county. Unknown to Molly, these calls and emails are about to change her well ordered life forever.

Molly is going back to her roots. Back to a life she had long left behind in Dobbs county. A life she thought she would never have to re-visit again.

Unfortunately, Molly has no choice. She has to go back and face her past. She has to learn the truth about the life she had left behind so many years ago. A past life that is about to have a huge impact on Molly’s future. A past that could very well end the career Molly lives for.

Who and what in Molly’s past is coming back to haunt her? What can be so important that it could devastate Molly’s life? Who is about to enter Molly’s life and change it forever? Will Molly find the love she has always denied she wants?

This book about the story of Molly has been a long awaited dream for diehard fans of RE Bradshaw. It does not disappoint. The story is a blockbuster. A book with so much crammed into it, it will leave you breathless and still wanting even more.

Just for starters, we learn the story behind the successful lawyer, Molly Kincaid. How she grew up, what her family was like. All the things that makes Molly what she is today. Her story is harrowing. Hearing how young Molly grew up, enables us to understand how she became the woman we know today.

Knowing what makes Molly tick, makes her even more loveable than I’d already thought she was.

Not only do we hear all about Molly growing up, we are also plunged head first into mystery, murder, crime, corruption, deep dark secrets from the past all interwoven seamless into the story this wonderful book has to offer.

The book is extremely well written, in the typical RE Bradshaw style. We get to see Molly’s dearest friends from other books, including one of my favorites, Rainey Bell and her new family and the lovable Randy. The book is fast paced and a page turner right from the first page through to the last page. But, if you are like me, you won’t want to finish it too quickly, you will want to savor the whole story. Then go back and read it all over again.

With all the goings on in this book, you will also find the subtle touch of humor throughout that I’ve come to adore when reading one of RE Bradshaw’s books. No matter how serious the story is, there is always a little light relief interspersed among the dark deeds.

Last but not least, there is the romance. I always enjoy a touch of romance and I was more than happy with the balance of romance to the rest of the story.

Once again RE Bradshaw has written a winner. This book is perfect. It would make an excellent film.

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