Sunday 21 April 2013

Right Out of Nowhere by Laurie Salzler

Roni Oatman is a member of the Search and Rescue team (SAR) for the Forestry Service in the Bitterroot Mountains, Idaho. Each summer Roni, her brother Jeff and his wife Beth, head up to their mountain cabin base to ready themselves for the seasons rescues they’ll have to attend to. This year however, there is a slight change, Beth is unable to go up to the cabin. Who will take her place?

Roni is deeply in love with a woman she has no chance of ever having. Although she’s had her fair share of women in the past, she is a bit of a loner, concentrating on training horses on her father’s ranch when she isn’t on her SAR summer rescue mission.

This year Selena Ayala is set to join Roni and Jeff as a part of their SAR team. Roni is not happy at first to have someone unknown along in Beth’s place.

Selena has been badly hurt by her ex partner, Kim and is still on the rebound. She has to gain Roni and Jeff’s trust quickly. SAR is often a matter of life or death and quick decisions.
Roni and Selena are attracted to one another. Both women have issues to sort out though. As the weeks go past, they form a friendship and understanding. Then right out of the blue, Selena’s ex Kim appears on the scene. Will Selena throw aside the tentative friendship and bond she is forming with Roni and go back to Kim? How will Roni react to Kim’s sudden appearance? Will both women resolve their personal demons to find the love out of nowhere they are both desperately seeking?

A well written page turner from start to finish, I simply couldn’t put it down. Roni and Selena are both broken women. Both are harboring secrets and desires that are unfulfilled. Whether it’s possible to fulfil them with love together remains to be seen.

I really enjoyed reading about the search and rescue missions the team carried out. The scenic descriptions were fantastic. I totally immersed myself in the story and could easily visualize actually being in the wilderness with the SAR team as the story unfolded.

The two main characters, Roni and Selena are both multidimensional and are backed up by a terrific cast of lesser characters to progress the story forward. I have to also mention the animals. Puller the Dachshund is a star in his own right with his own dash of energy, a real little trooper. Sparky the horse, another favorite, also plays a big part and is quite the hero. Laurie Salzler has integrated the animals all in as part of the family and team nicely, as they should be.

Throughout this exciting scenic adventure story is a slow burning romance, which could end up going either way at any time. This also kept me on the edge of my seat.

I’ve put this book in my favorites folder for re-reading. I would love to see a sequel. I do feel these characters have a lot more to entertain us with.

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