Sunday 2 December 2012

Executive Disclosure by Isabella

Chad Morgan’s company has a new client. Frank Reynolds has hired them to keep his daughter Reagan safe. Chad’s first encounter with Reagan was when she returned unexpectedly to her home while Chad was searching it. Things did not go too well.

Reagan Reynolds is determined to take over as CEO of Reynolds Holdings on her Father’s retirement. She knows she has to win the support of the majority of the board members. What she doesn’t know and hasn’t bargained for is receiving death threats.

After Chad and Reagan’s first encounter, Reagan is not too happy to find that Chad will be accompanying her on her business trip to De Moines to meet up with some of the board members.

An incident at the airport involving Reagan, results in Chad increasing security around her. The two women eventually come to an understanding of sorts. Chad finds herself becoming attracted to Reagan and it appears the feeling is mutual. But Chad is determined not to mix business with pleasure. Nothing good can ever come of it. Will Chad give in to her desires?

When Reagan begins to receive more death threats, Chad is becoming extremely frustrated in not being able to track down the source. Will she find the perpetrator before he or she finally succeeds in killing Reagan?

This book is a nice fast paced thriller/intrigue. The two main characters, Chad and Reagan are well formed and interact well together with the rest of the cast of players. Each character serves well in progressing the story forward. The story is exciting, the sex is hot.

This story isn’t like any of Isabella’s other books. It has so many twists and turns, a veritable roller coaster ride. It’s a quick and easy read, not one to start late at night. I couldn’t put it down.

I don’t want to add any spoilers in here, so suffice it to say, I was surprised and quite shocked by the ending of this book. For me, the ending was a little abrupt and a bit of an anti-climax. But that’s not to say I didn’t enjoy the book, I did.

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